
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Simple Tips to Lose Weight Quickly

Quick Weight Loss Tips

 Sebastian J. Wilson

You only need one minute to start to lose unwanted pounds. Here are some strategies that will help you reduce your calories and burn more fat in just 60 seconds.
If you have already started a diet, these ideas can help you get rid of fat and faster weight loss.
# Mix the juice you drink, or mineral water. Reduce to 85 calories per cup of juice. That's about 3 kg lost per year.
# Get rid of calories while you do your job in the house: laundry (68 calories), making a meal (85 calories), planting flowers in the garden (102 calories). These values are valid for a 65 kg person in an activity half an hour.
# Drink a cup of green tea before walking out. Green tea helps eliminate fatty acids and you will burn calories faster.
# Eating in the city five times a week or more often you get a total of more than 300 calories per day.
# Use olive oil instead of butter as it usually is much healthier and will help you eat less. Those who consume olive oil instead of butter, 52 calories reduced at every meal.
# Eat whole grains rich in fiber. They will keep your hunger better and will help you more easily eliminate the calories. Eat cereal with a muffin or yogurt.
# To use a salad dressing made of: one tablespoon apple cider vinegar, a teaspoon olive oil, one teaspoon mustard and a teaspoon of salt. Salad will become more tasty and will contain only 20 calories and 1.5 grams of fat.
# Drink plenty of water. Choose bottles as large as this you will be tempted to drink more.
# Eat a candy mint or eucalyptus will cut your appetite immediately.
# Like water, milk diets will fill your stomach, but also contains carbohydrates and so you eat less.
# Write down in a notebook everything you eat. Thus, you have more control on how many calories you consume daily.
# Give up the remote. You get rid of 200 calories a day if, instead of changing channels on TV with remote control, you do so by giving up out of bed and going to the TV yourself.
# Buy food in smaller portions as well. If you take a large portion is likely to want to eat everything.
# Opt for soups that contain more large pieces of vegetables. Thus, you'll get tired more quickly and will use 20 fewer calories than those who choose a cream soup.
# Drink plenty of water. Dehydration is the enemy number one when it comes to follow a diet.
My Name is Sebastian Wilson and I was Obese for Many Years. Find out How I Lost Weight Quickly and Naturally:
Quick Weight Loss Tips

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Start Burning Fat Fast in 2011 With a Simple 4 Minute Workout

If you're looking to carve out a powerful and fit body for 2011 and burn fat fast you need to train harder not longer. The secret to cranking up your metabolism and melting fat away fast is high intensity training. Forget those long boring runs on the treadmill or tedious slow weight lifting repetitions, if you want to completely transform your body this year you need to crank up your heart rate and have some fun. There are lots of ways to do high intensity training for fat loss but today I want to give you a workout routine that is proven to melt fast in only 4 minutes of work. It's something called the Tabata training protocol. This is a training regiment developed in Japan by Izumi Tabata and it's all about doing more work in less time and giving you amazing results.
A word of warning before I go over the workout, this is not meant to be easy, this workout will kick your butt and challenge you like nothing you may have tried before to burn fat, it takes serious mental and physical toughness. OK if you're still with me let's start melting that fat away. The tabata protocol works with almost any exercise you can think of but all you need is your body and a stopwatch. You will be doing 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest repeated 8 times which adds up to a 4 minute workout. Now before you embark on your training I highly recommend some sort of light warm up to get the blood flowing, a tabata workout is not something you want to go into cold. The best exercise for tabata newbies is the air squat, it's simple, requires no equipment, and anyone regardless of fitness level can do it.
To perform an air squat stand with your feet shoulder width apart, bend at the hips kicking you butt back and squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor and then push back up through your heals to the standing position. Now that we know what the protocol is and the exercise we will be doing let's move on to this great fast fat building workout. Set up your stop watch on the floor in front of you so it is easy to see or, if you have a standard wall clock nearby you can use that as well. Also make sure to have a notepad and writing utensil available as well, we're going to keep score here. Start your stop watch or start your workout at the 'top of the minute' begin your air squats moving as fast as possible while keeping good form, the key here is to work as hard as possible.
After 20 seconds stop and record how many air squats you completed. Rest for just 10 seconds and then start your next set of air squats. You'll repeat this 8 times total trying to maintain your pace on every round. If you're pushing yourself as hard as you can your reps should decrease significantly on each sequential set, this is why we mark down the rep count after each set. Once you've finished the intense 4 minute workout you should be absolutely gassed!! If you're not you didn't push hard enough and you'll just need to work harder on the next one.
Now what you've done by pushing you're body this hard with minimal rest is rev up your body's metabolism which is igniting a fast fat building furnace. The tabata protocol when performed at maximum effort is proven to keep your bodies fat burning metabolism raised for up to 48 hours, which makes this a perfect workout to perform 3 days a week. The Tabata protocol is a quick workout regimen you can practice anywhere with no equipment and can be done in as little as 4 minutes. These workouts challenge your mind and body as a whole it takes a lot of grit to push yourself for those 4 minutes and finish strong. It's not enough to just train your muscles you need to harden your mind in order to achieve your fat loss results in 2011.
The tabata protocol alone is a great way to challenge and fortify your mind and body and when combined with clean eating habits can transform your body faster than anything you have tried before.
If you're ready to transform your mind and body for 2011 I highly recommend checking out the Tactfit Warrior Program today
Tactfit Warrior uses high intensity metabolic conditioning used by the US navy seals and is guaranteed to re-build your body for 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Ornish Diet

by: Levi Reiss
The Ornish Diet, also called the Life Choice Diet, was created by Doctor Dean Ornish. He is widely known for his lifestyle-driven approach to controlling coronary artery disease (CAD). This is a vegetarian diet rich in fiber and complex glucides. It provides quite a low level of cholesterol. Fats represent at most 10% of the foods consumed. The changes you make in your eating habits are destined to last a lifetime. Here are some of the diet principles.

You should put the accent on legumes, fruits, vegetables and grains. Eat the following in moderation: salt, low-fat dairy products, low-fat processed foods, and coffee without cream. Avoid the following: meat, poultry, fish, oils, dressings, sugar and sugar derivatives, alcohol, avocados, nuts, olives, and regular dairy products. Exercise regularly at a medium intensity level. Doing so may reduce your appetite and consequently help you lose weight. Serving size is unrestricted; you may eat until you are full. Adopt a more spiritual attitude. According to Doctor Ornish not consuming certain foods renders mealtime more spiritual. This diet also suggests meditation, said to have many positive effects.

The Ornish Diet claims to lower the level of bad cholesterol and blood pressure. An advantage is its simplicity, only a few foods are excluded. On the other hand this diet is poor in essential fatty acids. The absence of fish and oils removes their positive effects on the cardio-vascular system.

Here are two sample menus:

Menu 1

Breakfast: Two slices of whole grain bread. Two teaspoons of light jam. Orange juice. Coffee or tea.

Lunch: Mushroom polenta with bell peppers. Bell peppers stuffed with rice and black beans. Garlic bread. Green salad. An apple.

Supper: Wild rice. Braised endives. Tomatoes provencales. Green salad.

Menu 2

Breakfast: A carrot muffin. Skimmed cottage cheese. Half a cantaloupe. Coffee or tea.

Lunch: Alfalfa, tomato, and roasted bell pepper sandwich. Red bean and celery salad. Potatoes in their jackets. Green salad. 2 kiwis.

Supper: Vegetable soup. Spinach ravioli. Green salad. Baked potato.

Some of the information in this article comes from a fascinating new book, La Bible des Regimes, written by Jenny de Jonquieres and published by Amerik Media. Her book describes more than 80 diets and weight reduction programs. Each diet is presented with 5 menu plans, a detailed discussion of its advantages and disadvantages, and lots more. La Bible des Regimes is available only in French at present.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Weight Loss Tips: What’s Your Best Weight Loss Program?

Fast weight loss may be dangerous to your health. The best weight loss program is to lose weight naturally without depending on any weight loss pill or drug. This article examines some everyday changes that you can easily make to your daily food intake to help you achieve your ideal weight.
Most people want fast weight loss, but this may be dangerous. Any weight loss diet should be gradual and disciplined, without being radical or extreme.
Natural weight loss is the best method and there are some easy daily tips, that don’t involve any weight loss pill or artificial drugs, for a balanced weight loss diet.
It’s important that at every meal, breakfast included, you eat protein. You should stop eating bread, pasta and other wheat and flour-based products.
By eating unprocessed foods, you are giving your body nutritional fuel. In fact, you should aim at having about 90 per cent of your food comprising of the following: lean protein, raw and/or steamed vegetables and whole grains.
Eat fruit, but eat more vegetables. Only have one piece of fruit daily, any only eat the low sugar, high fibre fruits like berries, plums, pears and apples. Avoid fruit juice because it usually has way too much sugar. Have some low fat nuts with your piece of fruit.
You should cut right back on dairy products, especially cow’s milk, although you can enjoy small helpings of fat free and low sugar yogurt.
Alcohol and weight loss do not go hand in hand, so strictly cut back, or eliminate alcohol in your diet. Choose vegetables and fruit instead.
Use olive oil instead of supermarket vegetable oils like corn, safflower and sunflower. Where possible, apply olive oil to your food after it’s cooked.
Avoid eating the skin of fried chicken – the white meat is far more nutritional and has less fat.
Be very mindful of the amount and types of fat that you are taking in with your food.. Bad fats are in margarine and fried foods. The best good fats are Omega-3, found in fish and flaxseed oil. See if you can eat fish at least three times a week, but remember, no fried fish.
You should drink at least eight ounces of water each day for every 20 pounds you weigh. Whenever you feel hungry, have a glass of water.
The best weight loss program is the one about which you become very single-minded.
Hypnosis, either individual sessions with a hypno-therapist, or regularly listening to professionally recorded hypnosis sessions, can also be a good tool to consider in your weight management plans.
Hypnotism can ensure that both your conscious and subconscious minds are aligned in the desire to eat healthy foodFind Article, to do regular daily exercise and to properly manage your weight.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

how to weight loss tips

Do you want to get rid of that belly fat?
I know that belly bulge can make you look out of shape. Not only this, it is also one of the root causes of many health problems and disorders.
Though belly fat is quite stubborn and getting rid of it is a little difficult, with proper diet and exercise you can get rid of it quick and easy.
3 Simple Ways to Cut Fat and Get a Flat Belly
1. Exercise and Healthy Eating For Weight Lose
There is nothing that can really make you lose weight like exercise. You need to get your body moving if you want to cut down on your body fat. Though cardio exercises are great for reducing weight, strength training is extremely effective. This is because strength training is great for optimizing hormonal production in your body.
Not just this, it is equally important to have the right kinds of foods. Stay away from greasy stuff. But at the same time, it is important to include essential fats in your diet. Such fats help unclog arteries and encourage better blood circulation. They are also important for the production of anabolic steroid hormones in your body. But again, moderation is the key. Do not over indulge yourself. Nuts like almonds, walnuts etc., are a great source of such fats and so are fish like salmons and tuna.
2. Do Not Skip Breakfast
Most of us commit this mistake. Skipping breakfast is bad because it makes you crave for foods. This craving results in binge eating. Ultimately you end up eating much more. If you really want to control your diet and caloric intake, do not skip your breakfast.
Not just this, breakfast is important to wake up your body and set your metabolism into action.
3. Diet Pills for Weight Loss
In addition to a proper diet and regular exercise, diet pills can be really effective in reducing your body fat so that you can get a flat stomach.
There are a whole lot of diet pills that can make losing weight a simple task. Weight loss pills and supplements have undergone tremendous change over the past few years and there are some amazingly effective pills that can make you lose weight without side effects.
Such pills have become quite a rage and some of them can make you lose up to 5 pounds within a week.
So, If You Want to Weight loss and Get a Flat Belly, Check out the Best Diet Pills that have Become a Big Hit Across the World.